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Wednesday 30 March 2011

A Change In The Weather . . .

After several weeks of blue skies and spring sunshine it feels intensely gloomy today. Usually a change in the weather in a story prefigures a plot or character development of some kind or another, but in reality it makes little difference to people. Except . . . I do feel a bit miserable today, for no good reason.

Today was a teaching day. Not a writing day. Or a cleaning day. This afternoon, we made circuits to power a motor attached to a chassis (previously constructed of wood) and connected to an axle. They worked, but were tricky to connect. One girl asked me to do hers.
'No,' I said, 'but I'll show you how to do it.'
She shrugged and walked away. Clearly, I hadn't given the answer she was looking for. Three minutes later I looked round to see she'd persuaded another pupil to connect her circuit to the chassis. Oh well . . .

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Waiting For The Post . . .

I've been meaning to start a blog for over a year. A blog about writing.

Not because I want to be noticed, although I'd be pleased for my books to be. I really don't want to broadcast my every movement and inane thought to the world (and there are plenty of those). But on the other hand I like the idea of having a place to communicate some of the thoughts and actions which may possibly, ever so slightly, be of some interest and use to other people interested in writing and reading stories.

So I've started. The post has just arrived. And as usual, it's another rejection slip . . . .